"I asked for a car; I got a computer."

Looking for a commentary that uses big words and ponders the deeper meanings of various topics? Well...you've come to the wrong place. This blog is all about extolling the greatness of Christ, the joy of marriage, the rollercoaster ride called parenthood, the supremacy of the 1980's...and doing all of it at a fifth grade reading level!

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Reason I Run

We had Noah's birthday party this weekend. Nothing like getting fifteen 3 and 4 year olds together for a little sugar rush. Good times!

My mom and dad drove into town for the party. They take great pride in the fact they have yet to miss one of these little extravaganzas (what can I say - my mom is a former teacher, and you know how teachers just LOVE perfect attendance!). Anyhow, Mom has gotten into this mode of cleaning out her house of clutter...so every time she comes to Abilene she has a box full of items for me. It usually consists of old newspaper articles, stuff I made when I was in second grade, etc.

This time, however, I was pleasantly surprised at some of the items that were in there: My hood, cap and gown from my college graduation; a $50 savings bond that my grandfather gave me when I graduated high school (now worth $64.28 - woo hoo!); a book of coins from the year of my birth (1970); some old pictures of my family; and a slew of other items from my days in college and high school.

I also ran across and envelope that said "School Pictures." It looked too small to contain a photograph, and it didn't feel like it had anything in it. But I made the fateful decision to open it up anyway...with Robin standing nearby. What emerged from the envelope caused such a stir of hysterical laughter on the part of my wife that that I thought I was going to have to get out the Campbell family defibrillator.

It was my 6th grade and 7th grade class picture.

I have often recounted to folks that I was a fat kid...but I've been slow to provide documentation. However today, in a fit of humiliation, I proudly provide both of you with support of my claim that I was a big 'un!

After Robin managed to gain control of herself, she said something to the fact of, "But you were still cute." Uh...yeah. Sadly, the picture on the left (my 6th grade year) bears a striking resemblance to the character Englebert from the original "Bad News Bears" movie (remember - the fat catcher?).

So, dear friend, THIS is why I run, consume Veg-all and pineapple as part of my daily diet, and sympathize with most of overweight America.

And if you listen closely....you can still hear my wife cackling! THANKS MOM!!!


At 6:02 PM, Blogger RoniZee said...

This is the best blog post I have seen all day. Amazing pictures. A-MA-ZING.

In my sixth grade picture I have a bowl cut. My mom thought it would be a good idea. Hideous.

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard you say before that you were a fat kid but I had a hard time believing it. I guess the proof is in the pudding (unless you ate all of the pudding). At least you don't look like you are high on pot in your senior picture like I do (I wasn't, in case you were wondering).

At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think if you changed the hair color to a darker brown, that would be my seventh grade picture. I too was a little chubby growing up, but I had a different method for getting rid of the fat. I grew roughly 9 inches in two years. I wouldn't recommend it since at times it was a little painful.

By the way, I wore my hair like that all through high school. What was I thinking?!

At 10:54 PM, Blogger SG said...

But you grew up to kiss over 100 girls anyway.
I think you should blog about that!

At 6:04 PM, Blogger SG said...

OK. It has been two months. I don't do blog lines so I just keep checking. I think blogdom is more interseted in "The Reason I (you) Don't Blog" than "The Reason I (you) Run."

At 4:38 PM, Blogger rachelle claire said...

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At 4:41 PM, Blogger rachelle claire said...

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