"I asked for a car; I got a computer."

Looking for a commentary that uses big words and ponders the deeper meanings of various topics? Well...you've come to the wrong place. This blog is all about extolling the greatness of Christ, the joy of marriage, the rollercoaster ride called parenthood, the supremacy of the 1980's...and doing all of it at a fifth grade reading level!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Never worried...

...but slightly concerned about my middle son, Noah. Noah is 3, and by all accounts is exhibiting typical middle-child qualities. He's sweet...but in my wife's words, he's "mean as fire!"

Recently Noah has been trying to get in touch with his feminine side. The other day at Rainbow School his class earned pennies for a variety of tasks and by exhibiting good behavior. The kids could then use these pennies to buy various "junk" that parents had brought up to the school for this activity. So what did Noah buy???

A pair of girls shoes and a purse!!!

I don't know if I'm spelling this correctly....but in the words of Mel Brooks: "OY VAY!!!"

Not satisfied with merely accessorizing in a feminine way, Noah has also developed an interest in lipstick. No tube of lipstick is safe if left within his reach. I've attached just a small exhibit of his work. Granted, I've had to censor this picture...as Noah chose to apply the lipstick while in the nude.

Fortunately this wasn't expensive lipstick.


At 9:50 AM, Blogger Jim MacKenzie said...

Never worry, but concern is good.

Cameron was always jealous that Megan got to dress up in the princess costume dresses that we had. He comes running down the hall one day (about Noah's age) crying, "I want to be a princess, I want to be a princess!"

He's 13 now and is embarassed when we bring that one up!

Btw, those are good photos to put aside for, let's say 15-20 years until graduation slideshows and wedding albums...

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Mark Lavender said...

Like father like son.....

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

He's heard one too many comments about "man-crushes".

My perfect graduation slide for my now-8-year-old son involves red underwear, a white ballet tutu, a straw hat with a ribbon and play high heels, with painted toe nails.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Jim MacKenzie said...

Sarah, nice pic of the boy. We've got one of motorcycle helmet, barechested, skinny, 11 year old, with shorts pulled-up geek style, wearing boxing gloves. He has it as his background on his PSP. The weird thing is, he likes it!

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Jenna said...

Just think of it as future ammunition!

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you should consider taking him out of the "Rainbow" School? Just a thought.


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