"I asked for a car; I got a computer."

Looking for a commentary that uses big words and ponders the deeper meanings of various topics? Well...you've come to the wrong place. This blog is all about extolling the greatness of Christ, the joy of marriage, the rollercoaster ride called parenthood, the supremacy of the 1980's...and doing all of it at a fifth grade reading level!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Day 7 (Wednesday)

After work I, along with the Community Outreach Minister from our church, delivered a washer and some other stuff to a singled mom and her three kids. She has a 9-year old, a 6-year old, and her sisters 11-year old is living with her...and she is all of 23!!! I remember how "mature" I was at 23...and the thought of me actually raising a 9-year old at that age almost made me sick to my stomach.

Afterwards I went to Wal-Mart to buy things to make fudge. Yes...I made fudge last night. And it's really quite good. It's for an open house we're having at work tomorrow. Granted, I should've gone the Mark Lavender route and volunteered to bring cheese and crackers...but I wanted to challenge myself.

Note to self: Challenging oneself is HIGHLY overrated when it comes to culinary achievements!

Also stopped by Cracker Barrel to get a couple of gift cards. Man, that place is a MADHOUSE! I know it's good...but wading through all of the "grandma stuff" to get to a table is a beating. I'd rather brave Wal-Mart on "Black Friday" than try to navigate a crowded Cracker Barrel!

Played a little poker last night...and that's all I have to say about that. Crawled into bed WAY past my bedtime.


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