10 Questions
My almost-five year old, Elijah, is the perpetual question asker. Our routine trip to Fort Worth from Abilene is filled with questions such as "What city are we in?" "How long will we be in the country?" "Is Ranger bigger than Abilene?"...and other wondrous variety. So here, from the home office on 634 Gill, are the top 10 questions asked by Elijah in his 4+ years on this Earth...
10. Can cats laugh?
9. Why do you like Diet Coke better than Sprite?
8. Who does God want to win? (asked while watching the Abilene High-Odessa Permian football game)
7. Why is tomorrow tomorrow?
6. Why did you and Mommy name me "Elijah?"
5. Where did the angels get their wings?
4. Does Dairy Queen have a husband named Dairy King?
3. How did Baby Jacob get in mommy's tummy?
2. Why isn't (insert random friend's name)'s name in the Bible like mine?
1. Did God make himself? (if any of you would care to help me answer this question please feel free to chime in)